IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP TRUE LOVE? Take the quiz (answers are below, but don’t cheat )

1. Your boyfriend/girlfriend is returning from a three-day family vacation, and you…

a. Can’t wait to see him/her because you miss your quality time together

b. Wish he/she could stay away for a few days. Absence makes the heart     grow fonder.

c. Plan to go out with friends. Easier to get reacquainted with others around

2. You just had a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend and you…

a. Concede once again, you don’t like to rock the boat.

b. Still disagree but believe it’s okay to have different opinions.

c. Feel that it is time to break up.

3. You are at a party with people who are meeting your boyfriend/girlfriend for the

first time. You introduce him/her and…

a. Immediately begin talking about your athletic team because your friends     are on the same team.

b. Ask to be introduced to the cute boy/girl by the snack table.

c. Tell everyone what the two of you did earlier that day and how much fun

you have together.

4. People ask how you knew your boyfriend/girlfriend was THE ONE. You…

a. Don’t really have an answer because you aren’t sure he/she is THE ONE

b. Gush, saying, “I just knew. It feels right.”

c. Say, “It’s because he/she is so great with your new puppy.”

5. Your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to try skydiving. You respond…

a. “I’m afraid of skydiving, so you cannot do it.”

b. “You can go, but I never want to hear you talk about it.”

c. “Sure,” then you make plans to go to therapy to get over your fear so you

can do it with them.

6. Upon seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend you immediately feel…

a. Nervous, you should have gum or a breath mint.

b. Flushed, your palms are sweaty and your heart is racing.

c. Irritated. You didn’t want to be bothered today.

7. Your boyfriend/girlfriend asks if he/she should wear the red shirt. You hate the red

shirt, so you respond…

a. “The red shirt is nice, but I think the blue shirt fits this occasion better.”

b. “You look great in all of your shirts.”

c. “I hate that red shirt.”

8. How often do you communicate with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

a. As little as possible during the day. You are both busy.

b. As often as we can. We walk to every class together and eat lunch

together.  We love to talk to each other.

c. We text each other throughout the day

9. A cute boy or girl approaches you and flirts with you. You respond…

a. “I am in a happy relationship.”

b. “No, we are just ‘talking’.”

c.  By flirting right back.

10. You discover you and your boyfriend/girlfriend have opposing views on an issue.

Which of the following describes the interaction?

a. You agree to disagree. Being in love doesn’t necessarily mean thinking     the same.

b. You argue your points until someone is forced to agree to the other’s

point of view.

c. You realize you are truly not right for each other and break up.

11. Your are bothered that your boyfriend/girlfriend sings/hums under his/her breath

all the time.

a. Grit your teeth and ignore it. You’ve got some annoying habits, too.

b. Scream and yell until he or she stops singing/humming all the time.

c. From time to time politely remind him or her to stop. You understand it     may take time to break the habit.



1. a   2. b   3. c   4. b  5. c  6. b   7. a   8. b   9. a   10. a  11. c