War Whoop Online

The School Newspaper of Seminole High School

War Whoop Online

The School Newspaper of Seminole High School

War Whoop Online

The School Newspaper of Seminole High School

About W2 (warwhooponline)

War Whoop Online–Volume 15


Nayla Hernandez

Associate Editor

Ingrid Lopez

Editorial Board

Nayla Hernandez

Ingrid Lopez

Garrant Hill


Garrant Hill

Staff Writers

Amaris Casarez, Jan Chavez, Landyn Espinoza, Kadence Gandy, Melissa Gutierrez, Slade Harvey, Angelia Martinez, Aliegha McNair Armine Sandoval, Adrian Santos, Salome Villarreal

Photo Editor

Esveydi Reyes

Photo Staff

Aylin Del Castillo, Nayla Hernandez, Mikey Cavazos, Landyn Espinoza, Anna Hernandez, Dani Perez, Armine Sandoval


Susan Williamson


Erik Kirkpatrick

Thank you for being a part of our readership. The War Whoop is the official newspaper of Seminole High School at 2100 N.W. Ave. D, Seminole, Texas 79360.

 War Whoop is a member of the Interscholastic League Press Conference, the journalism division of the University Interscholastic League. 

 This publication is a teaching tool of the advanced journalism classes of Seminole High School, and as such, prescribes to the rules and ethics of proper journalism. War Whoop competes on a state level against other publications from 4A schools and can be judged against all newspapers which compete in ILPC on a state level.

 This publication does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion or creed. No material will be published which advocates illegal activity, libel, irresponsibility or obscenity. Signed letters to the editor are accepted, but will be edited for content which violates the above criteria.

Visit us online at www.warwhooponline.com. Follow us on X (Twitter)@WarWhoop8.