SOUNDBITE: Movie ‘peaks’ interest of horror fans

Columnist J.D. Martin

Columnist J.D. Martin

Crimson Peak (R)

This gothic romance from Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro tells the story of aspiring author Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) who is torn between love for her childhood friend (Sons of Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam) and the temptation of a mysterious outsider (Tom Hiddleston aka Loki). Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a mansion that breathes, bleeds, and remembers.

The main colors (black, blue, and red) and lighting almost make you forget you are watching a horror film (in a good way), yet the creepy subject matter grabs hold and pulls you right back in. Think Brontë sisters (specifically the novels Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights), Daphne Du Maurier’s gothic mystery Rebecca, Mario Bava’s films Black Sunday and Black Sabbath and Dario Argento’s horror masterpiece Suspiria all thrown together into a beautifully done film.