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War Whoop Online

The School Newspaper of Seminole High School

War Whoop Online

The School Newspaper of Seminole High School

War Whoop Online

The School Newspaper of Seminole High School

Sophie Guenther

Sophie Guenther, Photographer

Hello, welcome here! 

This bio is going to stay the same all year, so I will try not to include anything my fickle heart calls a constant, but things I truly find important. 

I didn’t intend to be in photojournalism, but I like to make people smile, and a camera is a sure fire way to do that, so I’m excited. 

I am the youngest of three girls--our names rhyme--as well as our faces, so to speak.

I have lived in Seminole my whole life, so I’m basically a pro, unless you ask for directions, then I am decidedly not a pro. 

I think my learning to take pictures will help in my future, either just for the knowledge or for a job. It’s a beneficial thing to have in the utility belt.

I’ve always been more into imagery than images so this is a shift, but one I’m excited to make. And if my camera has a couple dozen pictures of my dog, well that’s just what’s gonna happen.

The prompt asked us to include our fears, sobone thing I’m scared of is that no matter how much I learn, I won’t know enough.

But I am not given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. This year I want to start walking in courage and leave behind apathy. 

So there you have it. Goals, fears, fun facts; Sophie.

All content by Sophie Guenther
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