Jerica Davis, Staff Writer
I’m a junior, and I usually spend most of my free time either watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, fighting with my siblings, or finally sleeping. Trust me you could never go wrong with too much sleep!!
My favorite color is blue, but not dark blue! Sky blue!
I love watching dramatic T.V. shows on Netflix, and I’m a big fan of going to the movies! So if you ever invite me to go to the movies I’ll be sure to go! (as long as you buy the tickets!)
Believe it or not I actually enjoy spending time with my family. My favorite quote is “Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end, the journey is the destination.” -One Tree Hill.
The picture of me, above^^^, has a certain symbol I’m holding. !! I picked it because I believe that in life, we all need to stand out in our own special ways! Be heard, be loud, and be yourself! Follow your dreams!
Let’s play a game… Make a wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it, with all your heart!