Two powerlifters qualify for state


State qualifiers–Seniors Alexander Wootton and Yarely Delgado lift during the home meet. Both lifters qualified for state during spring break.

One Maiden and one Indian qualified for state powerlifting after regional competition in Monahans during the past week.

Senior Yarely Delgado qualified for state as the top 4A small school lifter with a squat of 330 pounds, bench press of 120 pounds and deadlift of 340 pounds for a total of 790 pounds. She will compete at state in the 259-pound division on March 18 in Corpus Christi.

Senior Alexander Wootton took the region championship in Monahans last week, squatting 670 pounds, benching 380 pounds and deadlifting 615 pounds. His combined lifts of 1,665 pounds propelled him to state in the 242-pound division. State will be held March 26 in Abilene.

Other region results included senior Allison Cope who placed 11th with a combined weight of 495 pounds in the 114-pound division, junior Emily Archer who placed 13th in the 114-pound division with a combined weight of 465 pounds, and senior Arielle Fehr who placed 11th in the 123-pound division with a combined weight of 595 pounds.