Forensics team takes second at Lubbock High
The speech and debate team took second place at the Lubbock High invitational meet on Dec. 13.
In dramatic interpretation, junior Ivan Froese took fourth and senior Jordan Smith took sixth.
In humorous interpretation, Froese took fourth.
In duo interpretation, Froese and Smith took first, senior Alissa Wright and sophomore Grace Hatley took second, junior Vanessa Torres and senior Erynn James took fourth, seniors Kyle Rickman and Jimmie Vaughn took fifth.
In prose, Froese took first, and Hatley took sixth.
In poetry, Hatley took third.
In Lincoln-Douglas debate, junior Ethan Ruiz took third.
In domestic extemporaneous speaking, junior Antonio Porras took fifth.
Froese was named outstanding interper.
Porras, Hatley, Wright, James and Torres qualified for Texas Forensic League state competition in March.