FACTOIDS: History has varying ideas about handedness

*Using your left hand was seen as a demonic trait.

*The Latin word for “left” was sinistra. It was usually used in reference to something evil or unlucky. This is where we get the word “sinister.”

*In ancient languages using your right side was correct.

*People used to tie a left-hander’s left arm behind the back to make them use the correct hand.

*In ancient times the left hand was associated with females while the right hand symbolized males.

*The reason we wear a wedding ring on our left hand started with the Romans. They thought that a ring would ward off any evil that might come from the left side.

*When making a dress, it is considered bad luck to sew on the left sleeve before the right one.

*Throwing salt over your left shoulder after knocking over the salt shaker also started with the Romans. If someone believed an evil spirit was after them they would throw salt (a valuable good) over the left shoulder to appease the devil.

*If you give a toast with your left hand you are cursing everyone you are toasting with.

*If the left foot itches before a journey you will encounter trouble, but if your right foot itches, your journey will be calm and uneventful.

*In indigenous tribes from the Andes thought left-handed people had magical and healing powers.

*It was believed that if your first step in the morning was with your left foot you were going to have a bad day. Hence, getting out of bed on the wrong side.

*Studies have shown that left-handers have more allergies than right-handed people.

*When left-handed people draw figures they usually face them toward the right.

*The Romans originally favored left-handedness and used it as an omen but changed to the Greek belief that the right side is the better.