Tennis to host Brownfield Saturday
Winning ways Junior Debbie Froese serves the ball during match play against Levelland on Sept. 1. Froese is the only team member to record wins both in varsity doubles and singles so far this season.
The tennis team will face Brownfield tomorrow on the Seminole courts.
“We don’t play them very often,” junior Chris Owen said. “I think we are pretty even, and I plan to play them game by game.”
The Indians and Maidens have to focus and buckle down because Brownfield has had experience at the state tennis tournament before. The SHS team has been going through some changes in pairings for doubles. The change led junior Debbie Froese and sophomore Alondra Gonzales into the win column against Shallowater on Sept. 12.
“Coach has been switching people around a lot to see where everyone plays their best,” junior Debbie Froese said. “Alondra and I did pretty well together, I feel like we have better communication and teamwork than with anyone else I’ve played with so far.”
Froese was the only varsity player to record wins in both of the first two outings for the tennis team.
“Debbie Froese is really going to be a player to watch this year,” Coach Kevin Gersbach said. “She pulled off a big win [women’s singles] against Levelland.”
Shallowater Tournament Results Sept. 12 Seminole, 3 Levelland 22
Men’s Doubles Chris Owen/Royce Snethen fell 8-6, Austin Shortes/Ronnie Leopky fell 8-1, Gatlin Jones/Peter Padilla fell 8-1
Mixed Doubles Chris Owen/Morgan Gersbach fell 8-3
Women’s Doubles Debbie Froese/Alondra Gonzales won 8-4, Morgan Gersbach/Monique Zamora fell 8-2, Alejandra Segovia/Clarisa Flores fell 8-6, Caanon Gibbons/Kenna Currie won 8-2, Barbara Landeros Capetillo/Kami Luettgen won 8-3
Men’s Singles Owen fell 6-3, 6-2; Snethen fell 6-4, 6-2; Shortes fell 6-1, 6-0; Loepky fell 6-0, 6-0; Jones fell 6-2, 7-5; Padilla fell 6-0,6-0
Womens Singles Froese fell 6-3, 6-2 (10-8); Zamora fell 8-5 (5), 6-4; Gonzales fell 6-0, 6-0 ;Gersbach fell 6-0, 6-0; Segovia fell 6-0,6-0; Flores fell 6-4,6-1