Once I was with a friend who did not put down her phone the entire time we were talking, which annoyed me. This made me realize how dependent people are on their phones and how easy it is to get addicted to a phone I use so much every day.
Although there is nothing wrong with using your phone, people tend to over do it and get addicted. They are too dependent on their phones since a majority of things can be done on phones now–calendars, calculators, reminders, etc.
It is very important to know when it is appropriate to be on your phone and when it is not. People need to be respectful toward other people around them. For example, stay off your phone when you’re in the middle of a class or someone is trying to tell you something. Also, when you need to watch where you’re going, stay off your phone so you don’t bump into someone or step in front of a moving vehicle.
A study two years ago said that the average person checks his or her phone every 12 minutes. That is approximately 80 times a day. The same study said that 34% of teenagers agree that they spend too much time on their phones.
Even though it is very convenient to always have my phone on me in case I need to call someone or someone tries to call me, I need to learn how to spend less time on it. I need to be OK without always having my phone with me.