Parts of the school have been undergoing renovations. Although this may be a lengthy and frustrating process, the construction will be beneficial in the long run.
In May construction crews started working on a new field house CTE wing. They started renovating parts of the 300 and 400 halls both of which have not been completed.
Staff and students have been complaining about the inconveniences that these renovations have caused rather than looking at the bigger picture of how long-term improvements will benefit current and future students.
The inconveniences people might face like having to park in different areas, having to enter through the visitors’ side at football games or having to walk further because certain bathrooms are under construction, etc., are only minor issues and will be worth it once the construction and renovations have been completed.
Renovating is a lengthy process and often takes longer than estimated due to materials not coming in on time. Classes have been left without doors, doorknobs and/or windows because the parts haven’t been shipped to the construction company.
Focusing on the negative sides could feel like the problems are never-ending. Benefits from the CTE construction can provide training and exposure for students entering the work force. The field house renovations can help provide student athletes with adequate dressing, prevention and treatment for injuries.
Although the construction brings these problems, the wisest path is patience. The problems are only temporary, and once finished, the district will have long-lasting benefits. People need to look at the big picture rather than focusing on the current problems.