Forensics takes sweepstakes in Amarillo


The speech and debate team took sweepstakes at Amarillo High on Feb. 1.

Senior Brice Gibbons, senior Shawn Barndollar, sophomore Cassandra Shultz, junior Kyle Rickman, junior Jimmie Vaughn and freshman Faith Klassen qualified for Texas Forensic League state competition in March.

In cross-examination debate, Vaughn and Barndollar took third.

In Lincoln-Douglas debate, Rickman and Shultz each took third.

In dramatic interpretation, Klassen was first, senior Christian Tovar was second.

In humorous interpretation, Gibbons was first as well as being named outstanding interpretation speaker.

In dramatic interpretation, Gibbons was fourth.

In duet acting, Tovar and Klassen took fourth whilesophomores Will Gerber and Erynn James took seventh.

In impromtu speaking,  Vaughn was first, and Barndollar took second. Vaughn was named outstanding speaker.

In domestic extemporaneous speaking, Vaughn was fifth.

In poetry, Gibbons was fourth and James was seventh.

In prose, Gibbons was second.