Cold weather postpones or cancels weekend activities
Juniors John Paul Sales, Isela Zamora, Randee Thomas and Amber Wieler get into the building as quickly as possible at the end of second lunch on Nov. 22. Temperatures dropped to the 20’s overnight.
Cold weather sent students scurrying to and from cars at lunch on Nov. 22, and it also rearranged or cancelled activities through Saturday.
An announcement was made during seventh period saying, “All SHS activities for the weekend have been cancelled.”
The freshman men’s basketball tournament in Westbrook was cancelled as the team was enroute, and the Indians spent much of the day on the bus.
The swim meet scheduled for Hobbs on Nov. 23 was cancelled.
The JV men’s basketball tournament at Cooper which was scheduled for Nov. 23 was moved to Nov. 25.
The Maiden varsity basketball game in Idalou on Nov. 22 was cancelled.
The speech team’s overnight trip to El Paso was cancelled.
The Denver City play-0ff football game was moved from Nov. 22 to the afternoon of Nov. 23.
The Nov. 22 football play-off game between Abernathy and Crane in Wigwam Stadium was moved to 6 p.m. on Nov. 22.