Speech team takes second in Big Spring meet
The speech team will compete in San Angelo at the Central High School meet on Nov. 5.
The team took second place at the Big Spring High School meet on Oct. 29-30.
In duo, junior Carter Laramore and junior Alex Gonzalez placed first, senior Grace Hatley and junior Isabel Acosta took second, senior Ashley Harder and senior Faith Klassen placed fourth, senior Lauren Franco and sophomore Dillon Gutierrez placed fifth, and senior Madeline Hiebert and senior Nikki Loewen were sixth.
In dramatic interpretation, Loewen placed second, Hatley placed fourth, sophomore Phiona Hiebert placed fifth, Gutierrez placed sixth, and Gonzalez took seventh.
In humorous interpretation, Gonzalez was first, Acosta placed second, and M. Hiebert took fifth.
In duet acting, Laramore and M. Hiebert placed first, Gutierrez and P. Hiebert placed fourth, while senior Gabe Roybal and sophomore Amy Schultz placed sixth.
In the Lincoln-Douglas debate, sophomore Nat Little placed third.
In domestic extemporaneous, junior Lori Wilson placed second.
Gonzalez was named outstanding interpreter at the meet.
Loewen and Wilson both qualified for the Texas Forensics Association state tournament in March in Dallas.