MY VIEW: Time to make history with my vote

Columnist Sara Fehr

Columnist Sara Fehr

It looks like the upcoming candidates for the 2016 presidential election are all a little kooky, and if they’re not kooky, they’re obscure. The well-known people are insane and the ones who are not so well-known don’t seem to stand a chance. What do I know, though? This is the first election in which I will be able to partake. Maybe with my single vote I will be able to change the history of America forever. Okay, so maybe not, but my vote is at least a little significant, right?

The elections seem to be a sort of game to not only the candidates, but the people voting. It’s not taken as seriously as the ones before, or maybe I just haven’t been paying much attention until now. Whatever the case, everything is kind of a mess.

From neurosurgeons to showmen to actual political figures, candidates seem random right now and the battle could possibly sway in the direction of scary, racist republicans with roadkill hair. While it may be very amusing, I’m concerned. This isn’t really just a game. This is actually something that is going to affect our nation’s history forever. Has that reality not hit anyone else yet? Surely it must have because my palms are getting sweaty just thinking about it.

Voting is definitely an experience that I won’t miss out on. It should be something to be excited about, but I think I’m also somewhat nervous. Hundreds of thousands of people vote every four years so it shouldn’t be something I’m terribly anxious about. Not to mention, I know my vote won’t singlehandedly destroy the future of America forever. Only a whole ton of votes could do that. All of that aside, I still worry about whom I will vote for and how I will vote and which candidate would not ruin the country. I guess that’s why the Internet is there.

I can still remember the mock elections we used to have. Back then I seemed to vote what the majority did, but I don’t think that’s going to be the case when the 2016 elections roll around. A lot of things are worrying me right now, actually. From how it’s done to whom I will vote for. The stress is stacking up, and the pressure is building. I have a pretty good idea whom I want to vote for, but at the same time, I feel I should consider my options a little more. I certainly have the time. In the end, I guess it really all just comes down to who’s the least horrendous. Isn’t that a sad state of affairs for my historic first presidential vote?

There are some good ideas being thrown around, but with all of the silly side shows going on, it’s hard to take things seriously. Really, all I can do is hope for the best and vote where I think it’s going to count.